George Pelecanos

 George Pelecanos 's Books

A very well recieved series by George Pelecanos are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Cut, King Suckerman, The Martini Shot, What It Was, D. C. Noir 2, The Night Gardener, A Firing Offense, The Double, D.C. Noir, The Cut sl-1, Soul Circus, The Way Home, The Turnaround, Hard Revolution, 01 The Big Blowdown, The Sweet Forever, Right as Rain, Drama City, Down by the River Where the Dead Men Go, Shame the Devil dq-4, Shame the Devil, Nick's Trip, Shoedog, The Man Who Came Uptown, Firing offence ns-1, Hell To Pay, Nick's trip ns-2, which was published in 2022.